
I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I have a poodle named Bobby.

He likes to lick the chili.

He doesn't run on batteries,

But I wish he was a chimpanzee.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

Rosemary is my neighbor.

She likes to eat sweet meat.

She had a car that's brown and clean

And is also obsolete.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I'm grabbing my nuts.

I like to play with Legos.

My childhood is a bathos.

Would you please let go of my Eggo?

Or I'll kick you in the head-o.