
Many became the victim of the hunt

and attack

Inside the Order was a ruse for the fall

A greater key was used to open the portals

Afterwards, mages were allocated


He practiced his knacks and skills of trickery

Most malicious, he became revolting

Spirits were locked inside the mirrored vestibule

The Circle was ambushed by cornered, lined frontiers

Grabbing a staff, he waited for the practical

Dressed in the robe, he adjured the Circle

(Faultless seal, a greater key, ascendancy)

"O' Amy, you're the foremost of sphere and space"

"O' Amy, you're the foremost of fortune and splendour"

He saw and aloof principle as one being

Most sharp-eyed, he watched day transfigure

to the night (from the fire, combustion)

The mages self-sustained the beckon (summoning)

Studying bleak matter tied to obscured strings

A morph-genetic field of imps disturbed then

And the lesson was a ruse for the fall (combustion, ascendancy)