Bombs Away

Jets lift off

Armed to go

Sights lock on

Targets below

Objects marked

Cue bomb bay

Pull the trigger

Bombs away

Say your last goodbyes

We're coming to your skies

A reckoning this day

You threatened our shores

So now we'll come to yours

And make you all pay

Bombs away

Bombs away

Bombs away

Shells explode

Flashing light

Burning fires

Turn day to night

Head on back

Reload bay

Armed again

Bombs away

You don't stand a chance

Air Force has advanced

To blow you all away

Soon you'll understand

That we will burn your land

On this judgement day

Much is gone

Fight's not done

Third wave

Has just begun

One to go

Mustn't stall

Do it now

Fuck 'em all

Nothing you can do

We're coming after you

Today is the day

Pay for what you've done

We'll bomb you one by one

Until you all have paid