Without a Kiss

All the songs have been sung

You’re too old and then you’re too young

Did you leave your mark on the world

One as deep as true love

Let’s sing Hosanna

All the stories are told

You’re too young and then you’re too old

Did you leave a mark on the world

One that lasts as long as true love

Take me with you now

To be strung as high as this

Making love without a kiss

And someone you saw again

Back to haunt you there and then

Please take on my love

Evolution is real

Secrets we have never revealed

Did you leave your mark, was it real

Or as deep as the love we both feel

To be strung as high as this

Making love without a kiss

Like a gift you didn’t keep

And it leaves a mark so deep

There’s a million things to miss

Like the chance to take that kiss

where you go, you’ll be someone

With one kiss your life is swung

What you gonna do when you walk away

Walk behind me, it’s alright, I’m Ok

Then what will you do if I walk away

Walk beside me, it’s alright, we’re Ok

Where you gonna do, don’t surrender

Hold me tight, don’t let go