Dumpster Dive

Woke up where the sunshine bleeds

Looking in a garbage bin

And I ain't seen some good trash

Since I, since I don't know when

Since I don't know when

I went out dumpster diving

Found some dirt painted gold

I kept some dusty silver

All covered up in mold

I dived in dusty diamonds

All crumbly and old

I took some sancrest jewelry

And dumped it in a hole

Woke up where the sunshine bleeds

Looking in a garbage bin

And I ain't seen some good trash

Since I, since I don't know when

Since I don't know when

I went out dumpster diving

Found some dirt painted gold

I kept some dusty silver

All covered up in mold

I dived in dusty diamonds

All crumbly and old

I took some sancrest jewelry

And dumped it in a hole