
"The crew is bedded down for the night, and

here's an announcement from mission control."

"Hello Apollo 11 Houston, we've got the

network all configured for the TV, you can, eh,

start any time you want, over." "Okay,

we'll, eh, reconfigure the TV for that."

"This is Apollo Control Houston at

eighty-seven hours and thirty-one minutes now into

the flight of Apollo 11. The Apollo 11 space craft

continues on its frontside pass above the moon.

We're now less than ten minutes away from, eh,

loss of signal. The Apollo 11 crew are currently

in their rest period. We've, eh, received, eh, no

indication yet that any of the three crew members

are actually sleeping, eh, although all three

appear to be in a very restful mode."

"This is Apollo Control at sixty-one hours

thirty-nine minutes. We've had no further

conversation with the crew since our last, eh,

report. Our flight surgeon says there is no

indication at this time that they have begun to

sleep. But we expect they'll be, eh, getting to

sleep here shortly. Coming up in, eh, less than 10

seconds now we'll be crossing into the sphere of

influence of the moon, and our displays will shift

from earth reference to moon reference. At

sixty-one hours forty-one minutes this is Apollo

Control Houston."