Vietnam Serenade

They say from acorns great oak trees do grow

And from evil man the genocide does flow

From the expenditure the shock waves spread

And the innocents in masses are easily led

It don't really matter if it's communist red

Or whether its fascism that causes the fatal blow to the head

America still don't realise its mistake in 'Nam

But they were not on the wrong end of the napalm

They still carry on their search for power and glory

Just another chapter in man's story

Across the world, they rear their ugly heads

Across the world in bloodshed red

The story begins to wear thin

They say its in the name of law

Will Vietnam be the forerunner to El Salvador?

Another nine years of killings, injuries and rapes

This year's winner is the Watergate tapes

And this year's Kissingers a man called Haig

And the descendants have all caught the red, white and blue plague