The Golden Square Mile

Prominent local aristocrats

Painted red throughout history

A fortune born out of sugar

Led the family to the social summit

The daughter of Montreal's fourth mayor

Laid silently at rest in her bed

As her son of twenty four years

Studied mercilessly in the adjacent room

As night settled darkness fell upon the Square Mile Mansion

Delirious thanks to her pain medication

Ada Maria Mill Repath

Unlocked the top drawer of her nightstand

And removed from it a fevered solution

But her flimsy faint grip allowed it to fall

Clattering to the floor

Once Clifford's focus was interrupted

He headed out in search of the racket

But when he entered his Mother's room

It was already splattered with her blood brains and bones

The aspiring med student resolved to seal his own fortune as well

The pressures of life had completely crippled him

Three days later they were already both six feet below

Rotting slowly as the populous' interest

Took flight as the rumours grew so did the mystery of it all

Sadly Sherbrooke Street was never quite the same

The Golden Square Mile was forever tainted

The gloom that engulfed their mansion

Still remains present today