Coffee Mug

Mug mug mug

Coffee mug

Gonna clear away the haze

Liquid proof

That I can win this race

Coffee mug

The grip that keeps me tall

My inter-link

Keeps me questing all

I don't need no booze or drugs

I just chug-a-lug-o my coffee mug

And I don't need your kiss and hug

I just chug-a-lug-o my coffee mug

They haven't banned

My liquid drug of choice

There's too many hooked

And they've got too much voice

So for the moment

We're all pretty good to go

With 98 cups

With 98 more to go

I don't need no booze or drugs

I just chug-a-lug-o my coffee mug

And I don't need your kiss and hug

I just chug-a-lug-o my coffee mug

Here a bean, there a bean

Everywhere a mean mean bean

Chug - a - lug - o - my

Coffee - mug, mug, mug, mug