Back Door Epoque

Take me down to the intestine

Where a question isn't worth the effort

Where gravity replies a silent yes for you

We still sniff the blood scent

Big brother and crime news

To cannibal instinct give vent

We are nothing but flies on the window

Tempting the clear glass to pass

Too busy to see the answer right there

The other shutter ain't shut

Curiosity is a lot of work

Where Moozak grazes his cows

And all of it sounds

Like a sphincteric sugary white noise

Meant to anesthetize

That's why I thank you friend

For the tail pipe I thank you Ford

Back Door Epoque

We still sniff the blood scent

To really around a car accident

To cannibal instinct give vent

Follow the crowd

The river will bring you down

In the tail pipe

The sugar is brown

The noise is white